The Original Naruto Fanfic Archive

Main Categories

Het Romance [1090]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around different sex couples.
Alternate Universe & Crossovers [643]
Where cast of the Naruto Universe are inserted into an alternate universe.
Essays & Tutorials [17]
An area to submit intelligent essays debating topics about the Naruto Universe and writing tutorial submissions.
General Fiction [1738]
Any Naruto fanfiction focused without romantic orientation, on a canon character in the current Naruto Universe.
OC-centric [860]
Any Naruto fanfic that has the major inclusion of a fan-made character.
Non-Naruto Fiction [290]
Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance [1575]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around male same sex couples.
MadFic [194]
Any fic with no real plot and humor based. Doesn't require correct spelling, paragraphing or punctuation but it's a very good idea.
Shojo-ai/Yuri Romance [106]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around female same sex couples.
Fan Ninja Bingo Book [124]
An area to store fanfic information, such as bios, maps, political histories. No stories.

Site Info

Members: 11989
Series: 261
Stories: 5874
Chapters: 25331
Word count: 47363839
Authors: 2160
Reviews: 40827
Reviewers: 1750
Newest Member: Trillian97
Challenges: 255
Challengers: 193

Name: Miss (Anonymous) · Date: 12/12/07 - 10:36 am · For: To Be Needed
Waaaah !!! Thanks for this new chapter ! I can't wait to see the end ! Hope it will be a happy one !!!! Please !!! xD

Anyway thanks a lot for sharing ! It's a marvelous fic !!!

Author's Response: The ending? Well, I can't say anything since that would spoil it all! You'll just have to wait and see now, eh?rnrnIt's a pleasure to write and allow people to read it! I'm very grateful that you will take the time to read this! Thank you.

Name: ForyourLove (Signed) · Date: 11/12/07 - 09:55 pm · For: To Be Needed
Oh man it took me forever to read all the chapter and catch up but it was totally worth it!!

God this story is too great!! I still love it! I'm gonna get really impatient and sad if you don't update soon D:

Love this story!! Thanks for sharing it, its simply awesome!

Author's Response: I'm quite glad that this story was worth your time! I'm happy to know that, and I appreciate your patience as well!rnrnI'll try to remember to update this story every Sunday, but I keep forgetting! T.T I might be late in putting up the next chapter, so sorry in advance. XDrnrnThanks again for reading and reviewing! I'll hope you'll like the end!

Name: puchan_nanoda (Anonymous) · Date: 11/12/07 - 12:14 am · For: So Scared
nice! next chap plz!!! =3

Author's Response: Shoot! That's right, I forgot to upload the next chapter--again! Sorry for this. And thanks for reminding me. XD

Name: xXdarkpuppetvOodOOXx (Signed) · Date: 06/12/07 - 05:30 pm · For: So Scared
aaaww why didn`t you write what happend on the floor or in the tub i wanted to know >-

Author's Response: Isn't it obvious enough? XDDD :laughs:rnrnThanks for reading and reiviewing though!

Name: cubuu love 99 (Signed) · Date: 06/12/07 - 02:24 pm · For: So Scared
This was amazing i love your story

Author's Response: Thank you! I'm glad you like it so far.

Name: catgirl (Anonymous) · Date: 30/11/07 - 02:41 pm · For: Following the Rules
loove it

Author's Response: Thank you!

Name: Green (Anonymous) · Date: 29/11/07 - 04:46 am · For: So Scared
This story is seriously good. You are a genius. Keep Writing!

Author's Response: Thank you! I'm glad that you liked this. Thank you for the support!

Name: Miss (Anonymous) · Date: 27/11/07 - 02:05 am · For: Following the Rules
Nyaaaah ! I love your fic !!!! But .. poor Naruto !!! T T
Anyway , can't wait to see what will happen next !!! Good luck for writing !!! ^^

Author's Response: Thanks! No need to wish me good luck though, the story is already finished. I just need to upload the rest of the chapters onto TONFA, that's all.rnrnThank you again for reading and reviewing!

Name: Sari-chan (Anonymous) · Date: 24/11/07 - 03:09 pm · For: To Love Him Forever
FINALY! I've been surfing all over the internet tryin' to find a good fic! and here! I finaly found one! So I spent my whole evening reading it (It is now 00:10 in the morning where I am). So, you say next chapter is up sunday? I probably won't get to read it before Monday here... But it's a REALLY good story, so keep it up!!


Author's Response: Wow, I'm really glad that you like this story and are so eager to read it! And yep, if I remember, I'll always upload a new chapter of DNS to TONFA. But I have a tendency to forget every now and again, so please bear with me. XDrnrnOkay then, thanks for reading this and reviewing! As well as liking this so much. I appreciate the support very much!

Name: lemonlover (Signed) · Date: 23/11/07 - 12:34 pm · For: To Love Him Forever
yay! i love this fic! i was completely dazed while reading it!! but a good daze! my roommate had to wack me in the head just to get me to eat lunch! i love the detail and the creativeness! i hope to read more soon! wuvs it!

Author's Response: Thanks! I'm glad that you like this so far! Just wait until Sunday before I upload the next chapter!rnrnThanks (yet again) for reading and reviewing!

Name: xXdarkpuppetvOodOOXx (Signed) · Date: 22/11/07 - 11:43 pm · For: To Love Him Forever

Author's Response: Haha, you'll just have to wait until Sunday then! Please be patient!rnrnBut thanks for being so enthusiastic! I appreciate your support.

Name: Lunanekosuna (Anonymous) · Date: 22/11/07 - 11:49 am · For: To Love Him Forever
*sniff* great chapter great story great writer . I love this story and i look forward to reading each new update and you never disappoint . Please keep it up *snuggle fox plussie* love your work

Author's Response: Thank you! I'm very glad that you like my work! I will look forward to your reviews and hope that you will continue to support me!

Name: green (Anonymous) · Date: 21/11/07 - 11:49 pm · For: To Love Him Forever
OMG so cute! Please tell me sasuke and naruto end up together! Please!

Author's Response: Hahah, I can't tell you anything yet! That'll be spoiler material now won't it? Just be patient and I'll upload the next chapter on Sunday! If I remember.. :cough:rnrnThanks for reading and reviewing!

Name: Desperado Sweetie (Anonymous) · Date: 21/11/07 - 07:28 pm · For: Secret Meetings Everywhere!
I am new to this site, and I am not a writer, but I really enjoyed reading this story and to end at the chapter that has all the mystery, hmmm.

I really like Naruto and Sasuke in this. To be able to get them as close to the cannon yet still keep it in AU is really good.

I can't tell you how to write your story, and well heck I wouldn't do that or want to do that anyway, but I really hope that Sasuke will not end up in any way with Sakura. But even if he does, I will still enjoy this story because it is really good and so well written.

I look forward to your next update.

Author's Response: Oops, you reminded me that I forgot to upload the next chapter onto this site! But thanks for reviewing and reminding me!rnrnI've already finished this story so I can't say much to your request. You'll just have to see what happens next, I suppose. It's all set down and I'd so much rather not have to go back to this...rnrnThanks again for reading and reviewing!

Name: NarutoX$$$ (Anonymous) · Date: 09/11/07 - 08:39 pm · For: Secret Meetings Everywhere!
Great story u need 2 keep writing

Author's Response: Heck no, I'm not gonna keep writing this thing! I've already finished it. XD You'll just have to wait for me to update it here!rnrnThanks for taking in an interest with this story and reviewing!

Name: Anonymous (Anonymous) · Date: 09/11/07 - 02:41 pm · For: Secret Meetings Everywhere!
AAAHHH!! The suspense is killing me! I wonder what will happen to Sasuke? Update soon!

Author's Response: Please be patient with me! I'll be updating every Sunday! But thank you for taking in so much interest and reviewing this! I appreciate the support!

Name: RamenFox (Signed) · Date: 08/11/07 - 05:10 am · For: Secret Meetings Everywhere!
This makes me SO curious! What the hell is going on!? What will happen to Sasuke? And was that weird mysterious guy that was following Naruto, Orochimaru? Creepy! xD

Author's Response: You've always been so patient with me! You'll just have to wait a little longer to see what happens! I'll pre-warn you that the plot takes a drastic downhill movement into the next few chapters though. I've just barely finished it and I can tell you that there were several people who were not satisfied with the end of DNS. Just a warning.rnrnBut thanks again for checking in with this story so diligently and leaving me a review!

Name: yaoimyantidrug (Anonymous) · Date: 04/11/07 - 06:46 pm · For: Secret Meetings Everywhere!
Uh-oh Heat What Will Sasuke Do?lemon?:-D

Author's Response: Nope, sorry! No lemon. I never did write a lemon for this story! Sorry if I disappointed you!rnrnThanks for reading and reviewing!

Name: yaoimyantidrug (Anonymous) · Date: 28/10/07 - 08:53 pm · For: Sourness
Ugh! What Does He Have To Tell Him Please Update

Author's Response: You'll just have to wait until next Sunday! ^__^rnrnThanks for commenting again!

Name: Sasukeslova16 (Anonymous) · Date: 23/10/07 - 03:57 pm · For: Following the Rules
Aww..This is too cute..I love their love hate relationship.Its SOOO freaking cute..naruto seems like a Sweetheart..I love the way their fighting ended up to a kiss..How cute.I want a naruto pet..Update soon..

Author's Response: Hahha, you love the love hate relationship? That's great! (I just really wanted to SAY that out loud. It sounds fun. Go, try it. Love, love hate... Okay, I'm just being stupid)rnrnI'm glad that you like this so far! And yes, Naruto is such a cutie right now, isn't he? I'm not so sure if I could live with all his 'dattebayo's though. X.xrnrnI'll be updating every Sunday, so please be patient! Thank you for reading and reviewing!

Name: RamenFox (Signed) · Date: 23/10/07 - 05:21 am · For: A Name, A Kiss, A Fight, A Meeting
Awwwww...they kissed and made out...a lot! cute. I wonder what was with Tsunade and Jiraiya. But who cares...SASUNARU 4 EVA! Again. ^^

Author's Response: Aah, yes, when I wrote this Tsunade and Jiraiya had quite significance, but alas! The story changed SO much after a few chapters! You'll see what I mean soon. XDrnrnYESS, SASUNARU FOREVAR!rnrnThanks for reviewing again!

Name: yaoimyantidrug (Anonymous) · Date: 21/10/07 - 09:00 pm · For: A Name, A Kiss, A Fight, A Meeting
I Love This Story I Hope They Get More Than Friendly:)

Author's Response: Ah, you'll just have to wait and see!rnrnThank you for reading and leaving a review!

Name: RamenFox (Signed) · Date: 20/10/07 - 02:05 pm · For: Something Missing
Ha, Naruto can speak now. Yay! And everyone likes him. ^^ The ending was so cute. Naruto acts like a small child. lol And what was with Iruka? Tired? I think not. He was probably up all night with a certain lazy teacher...*cough* *cough*. I hope so.

Author's Response: Eeh, not so much. I don't support KakaIru. ^__^;;rnrnOh well, no spoilers for you! Thanks for reading and reviewing as usual!

Name: ForyourLove (Signed) · Date: 18/10/07 - 06:05 am · For: Something Missing
Awww so adorable! I love this story!

I can't wait for an update!

Author's Response: Thank you! I'm glad that you like this so far! You don't have to wait too long. I'll update every Sunday. But I forgot this last week so I posted it up earlier to catch up to schedule... Forgetful me!rnrnWell then, I hope I'll be receiving more reviews from you in the future then! Thanks again.

Name: Lunanekosuna (Anonymous) · Date: 18/10/07 - 02:15 am · For: Something Missing
I love it! The story show us a side sasuke we usually dont see in stories like this. And o my naru with ears and a tail *nose bleed* please continue

Author's Response: Of course I will continue this. It's almost done, really. Just need to type out the last chapter and get it beta-read... Hmmm, that might take a while though...rnrnThank you for reading and reviewing!

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