The Original Naruto Fanfic Archive

Main Categories

Het Romance [1090]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around different sex couples.
Alternate Universe & Crossovers [643]
Where cast of the Naruto Universe are inserted into an alternate universe.
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An area to submit intelligent essays debating topics about the Naruto Universe and writing tutorial submissions.
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Any Naruto fanfiction focused without romantic orientation, on a canon character in the current Naruto Universe.
OC-centric [860]
Any Naruto fanfic that has the major inclusion of a fan-made character.
Non-Naruto Fiction [290]
Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance [1575]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around male same sex couples.
MadFic [194]
Any fic with no real plot and humor based. Doesn't require correct spelling, paragraphing or punctuation but it's a very good idea.
Shojo-ai/Yuri Romance [106]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around female same sex couples.
Fan Ninja Bingo Book [124]
An area to store fanfic information, such as bios, maps, political histories. No stories.

Site Info

Members: 11989
Series: 261
Stories: 5874
Chapters: 25331
Word count: 47363839
Authors: 2160
Reviews: 40827
Reviewers: 1750
Newest Member: Trillian97
Challenges: 255
Challengers: 193

Reviews For Last Chance

Name: narusakusasu (Anonymous) · Date: 08/11/12 - 10:37 am · For: Negotiations
i love this plz make more

Name: Nejisgirl (Signed) · Date: 16/09/11 - 12:36 pm · For: Intro
I really like this story, its cuteness and romance....I just couldnt stop reading!

Name: southsideswag (Signed) · Date: 30/03/10 - 11:24 pm · For: Reports
to much guy on guy not enough guy on girl brain caint take it fag overload shrtage help me southsideswags mind.........jus kidden storys great ilove it but its disgusting and it sickens me as a guy but still credit were credit is due you are from this day on an evil genius of the highest caliber

Name: southsideswag (Signed) · Date: 30/03/10 - 10:51 pm · For: Kunai
that was sick and wrong even 4 me
but kinda interesting you sir or madam are
truly anevil genius

Name: Miki Everless (Signed) · Date: 02/01/10 - 11:47 am · For: Negotiations
LMAO. The ending is so cute.

Name: KKEYA2008 (Signed) · Date: 21/10/08 - 01:05 pm · For: Hysterical Woman
OH EM GEE!!!!! THANK YOU SASUKE!!!!! Finally! FINALLY Someone told that bitch off!!!

Name: darkxratha (Signed) · Date: 29/05/08 - 08:06 pm · For: Negotiations

Author's Response: I'm so glad you liked it. I'm thrilled every time I read a review like this.rnTereshi

Name: ashamed (Anonymous) · Date: 18/04/08 - 08:49 pm · For: Kunai
eeek! i just realized i left a stupid comment on the last page. please forgive me! -e

Name: erica (Anonymous) · Date: 18/04/08 - 08:48 pm · For: Sucessions & Confessions
mwa ha ha ha!! wow. this could have come straight from my brain. way to go girl!

Name: erica (Anonymous) · Date: 18/04/08 - 08:38 pm · For: Monster
aghhhhh! my eyes. hahaha. marvelous pal! except I can't wait to seee Sasuke reclaim his man! haha

Name: BlueWolf (Signed) · Date: 06/04/08 - 09:34 pm · For: Intro know at first I was put off by the whole yaoi thing and I'll admit i kind of wanted to stop reading but i stuck with it and the story is really good. I don't really hate Sakura. She is for the most part useless but she has her moments. lol. even though I've read this story I refuse to believe that Sasuke is Gay. but I'm going to keep reading :) so keep it up its getting pretty tense. your a really good writer.

Name: OmgVikiRawr (Signed) · Date: 14/03/08 - 03:12 pm · For: Negotiations
D: wait that was the last one?!?!?!

write sequel NOWNOWNOW PLS :D

Author's Response: It's on the way, I promise!rn

Name: Wishina (Anonymous) · Date: 11/03/08 - 02:44 pm · For: Negotiations

Name: mike jones (Anonymous) · Date: 11/03/08 - 12:07 pm · For: Negotiations
you left us hanging about Hiroshi... AWESOME FIC THO

Author's Response: That's because I need him for part 2.

Name: aquapho (Signed) · Date: 09/03/08 - 01:06 am · For: Negotiations
Well written and plotted out. I loved the ending. I don't particulary care for Naruto and Sakura pairings but you made it OK.

Name: lemonlover (Signed) · Date: 08/03/08 - 05:11 pm · For: Negotiations
O.O.................................YATTA! Loved this whole chapter! It was perfect! And the more I think about it...The more I start agreeing with Sasuke about Naruto being a whore *laughs* or a pimp! Haha how is Naruto going to deal with TWO hysterical women?! Man...I just know this is going to be hilarious! SECOND CHANCE! WOOT! Naruto's going to have...Two pregnant...'Wives'...At the same time...I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy! But I sure would love for Naruto to have to deal with it! But Sakura's 'one condition' is classic! And as much as I love Sasuke being with Nauto, I really didn't want Sakura to lose either! But this totally works! Now they can all have their Naruto! ^^ This is one of THE best stories I have ever read and I really cannot wait for the sequel! It's sure to be as great as the first! If not better! Perfect! ♥ THANK YOU! Can't wait for 'Second Chance'! I'm so glad this isn't ending yet!


Name: Zafirya (Signed) · Date: 08/03/08 - 01:40 pm · For: Negotiations
I loved it and i'm waiting for the second chance ^.^. You are the best. And you were right. I really liked these chapters as you said. And i hope i will love the new ones. I'd like to knew the "future" ideas.
So! Gambatte!

Name: Sakuranzu (Signed) · Date: 08/03/08 - 04:33 am · For: Negotiations

*sigh* I wanted Sakura to lose out completely...oh well this ending still works! I loved that she walked in on Sasuke getting dressed. All those years her favourite fantasy (half naked Uchiha) twisted out of context into horror. (half naked Uchiha just fucked her fiancé xD)

 "On one condition...I get to watch." lmbo that's bloody flaming vrilliant. (<< Naruto Abridged joke)

This story was definitely one of my (if not THE) 'favourite favourite(s) out of all the stories I've favourited on TONFA. That sentence might need work, but here's a map: YOU'RE STORY WAS FUCKING AWESOME. Hehe I can't wait for the sequel Tereshi-chan!

Name: scarlett_fire (Signed) · Date: 07/03/08 - 11:07 pm · For: Negotiations
hehe i personally love the ending. like naruto i couldnt really choose who i wanted to win... though i might have been leaning toward sasunaru ^^! i think a sequel is a great idea, but someone else should find out like kakashi... or jiraya, lol that would be hilarious!

Author's Response: I just love Naruto, so I figured I'd give him a fic where he could "Have his cake and eat it too!"

Name: gilleh (Anonymous) · Date: 07/03/08 - 11:04 am · For: Challenge
this is such an awesome story! Iv never reviewed a fanfic before because i didnt think i needed to so this is the first one i will review, i think it is one of the best iv read so far, looking forward to finding out what happens next =)
(i rated 10... i dunno if 10 or 1 is the best... so i put 10 thinking it is the best xD)

Name: lemonlover (Signed) · Date: 06/03/08 - 03:37 pm · For: Not Letting You Go
That was truly the fluffiest sexiest chapter I have ever read! And yet so many things going on at once! Still waiting desperately for the awaited sakura/sasuke clash! and OMG! Possessive/submissive Sasuke! and yet I could picture the two actually saying all that. Very awesome and well written lemon! Wasn't off at all! Sasuke just can't seem to get enough of Naruto can he? and Sasuke and Sakura both want Naruto so badly! That will definitely prove to be interesting! Please please please continue to write awesome chapters like you always have! Pleeeeease?!! Greatness! Made me drool and go 'Awwww!' all at the same time! Can't wait to hear from you soon! Love possessive Sasuke! Hope you continue to make him like that! XD ♥


Author's Response: Thanks Lemon, I love you! The clash wil be in the next chapter. Actually, it's the last chapter. But don't worry if you can't let go yet, neither can I. There will be a sequel.
:heart: Tereshi

Name: mike jones (Anonymous) · Date: 06/03/08 - 01:49 pm · For: Not Letting You Go
ah come on. Thats just...please don't give it up yet Sakura

Author's Response: Woohoo! I lone Sakura-fan! Someone who doesn't want to kill me when I write NaruSaku parts! Yatta!!!!

Name: Sakuranzu (Signed) · Date: 06/03/08 - 06:42 am · For: Not Letting You Go

Awesome lemon in my opinon! Feel free with your vodka! Or to a limit anyway since you could die and we'd never get the ending...not that I don't value you as a person too! :P I thought Sasuke was going to try topping, but you're Uchiha just can't do it to Naru-chan after all xD Gah I can't wait for the Sasu-Saku bitch fight! Sakura should walk in on them, they were loud enough haha. Sasuke is so possesive it's adorable! You write these guys all too well. I can really picture Naruto's dialogue happening!

*chyuu~* write again soon ne?

Author's Response: Well, I'm glad you value me as a person too, but for the story you don't have too keep me alive much longer. The next chapter is the end. But I did promise you a part 2- It will be titled "Second Chance". The bitch fight will be in the final chapter, maybe friday night. *heehee* (I've being calling it the bitch fight too) When I write it's like I'm watching a movie in my head, and I can see if the character are acting right, I hope I've accomplished that so far.rnrnThanks for the wonderful reviews,rnTereshi

Name: sheechiibii (Signed) · Date: 06/03/08 - 03:35 am · For: Not Letting You Go

Oh Gawds that was HOT! XD loved it! 

Oh no!

But sakura already knows!!!

How are they going to get out of this mess? =[

Is there going to be an Mpreg? It would be interesting if there was, and it certainly would sort out a few problems.

Was Sakura lying about the baby? Please tell me she was because It would be really bad if she is pregnant.

Omg I'm like obsessed with this story now! Can't wait till next time! xx

Author's Response: *Inside hint* Mpreg will happen in the sequel "Second Chance"

Name: Zafirya (Signed) · Date: 05/03/08 - 10:34 am · For: One Week
I'm still reading it and i still love it and hate Sakura.... Seriously, why dose Sakura those terrible things. I'd like to kick her ass. ( I hope my English was good..)

Author's Response: You'll like the next two chapters! The next should be posted this evening. (Your english is just fine *Thumbs up*)

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