The Original Naruto Fanfic Archive

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Het Romance [1092]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around different sex couples.
Alternate Universe & Crossovers [645]
Where cast of the Naruto Universe are inserted into an alternate universe.
Essays & Tutorials [17]
An area to submit intelligent essays debating topics about the Naruto Universe and writing tutorial submissions.
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Any Naruto fanfiction focused without romantic orientation, on a canon character in the current Naruto Universe.
OC-centric [862]
Any Naruto fanfic that has the major inclusion of a fan-made character.
Non-Naruto Fiction [290]
Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance [1575]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around male same sex couples.
MadFic [194]
Any fic with no real plot and humor based. Doesn't require correct spelling, paragraphing or punctuation but it's a very good idea.
Shojo-ai/Yuri Romance [106]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around female same sex couples.
Fan Ninja Bingo Book [124]
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Site Info

Members: 11989
Series: 261
Stories: 5877
Chapters: 25362
Word count: 47451233
Authors: 2161
Reviews: 40828
Reviewers: 1750
Newest Member: Trillian97
Challenges: 255
Challengers: 193

Name: Great Fan (Anonymous) · Date: 19/04/08 - 11:58 am · For: Chapter 10: Birth
Hey again :)
Finally i have reed thees to, really good bye the way.
But i thought that the first was better.
This might seam a little odd but I liked the chapter when Naruto was sick and barely ate was the best.
I do not know but i like it, it was so well written :D and i was really moved.

Name: tasneem (Anonymous) · Date: 06/01/08 - 10:43 am · For: Chapter 10: Birth

Name: hidan_fan (Anonymous) · Date: 11/09/07 - 03:34 pm · For: Chapter 1: Jiraiya's Wife
that story was AWESOME!!!! ^^ I loved it it's like my fav fanfic( and sorry if i've already reviewed this fiv since i'm readin it again)
i can't find your other story T-T can you tell me where it is cause i'm diein to readit

Name: Shadow_Daemon (Signed) · Date: 22/07/07 - 06:40 pm · For: Chapter 1: Jiraiya's Wife
wow, that was incredible. I really love ur story XD I'm with you all the way, you rock

-- AllieChan : XD you sat down and read the whole thing! GOOD JOB! It would have taken you a while. thanks!

Name: lovefantasystuff (Signed) · Date: 06/07/07 - 05:08 am · For: Chapter 10: Birth
awww soo gd well written!!!
ur a gd writer


-- AllieChan : nawww THANKYOU! I need these sort of compliments! makes me write more

Name: danieluchiha (Signed) · Date: 21/06/07 - 02:40 pm · For: Chapter 10: Birth
oh this is excellent. as soon as i finished reading this my dad came into my room and said that reading this stuff meant i have no life. well after reading this im glad i have no life!!! =3
P.S. They need to put a 15 on the rating just for this story!

-- AllieChan : OMNGOSH Im sooo happy u dont have alife or else I wouldnt have got such a nice review! I dont know how long this reveiw has been here, I'm sorry for not answering straight away! well i will have to put up the rateing, but evertinme the site gets updated the rateing go..grrrr. im so happ u liked it.

Name: serena (Signed) · Date: 03/06/07 - 09:29 am · For: Chapter 10: Birth
that is the best story i have ever read it hada very good ending too.
i loved it

Name: ForgottenPrincess (Signed) · Date: 30/05/07 - 04:35 am · For: Chapter 10: Birth
Do you realize i just signed up to be a member of this site just so i could leave you a review. Needless to say i really really REALLY enjoyed this fic. I came home at like 11:40pm and it is now 7:31am...i spent all night reading it and enjoying every moment of it. Sasuke was a idiot...and i can understand why Naruto left after all he thought they were going to make him kill his baby. I think it is a sign how much Sasuke loved Naruto that the only other person he really feel in love with was Naruto dressed as a woman. *smiles* i like how the baby looks...i mean how could anyone not want the baby to have Naruto's pretty eyes? Also your mpreg was rather believable...some times they just make you raise an eyebrow…like "WTF???" your's is a plausible idea.

Name: puresugar13 (Signed) · Date: 21/04/07 - 09:25 am · For: Chapter 10: Birth
So much emotion!!! cry, laugh, and go awe... I LOVE THIS STORY!!!! ^.^

Name: stylin_crimson (Signed) · Date: 01/04/07 - 08:00 am · For: Chapter 10: Birth
I liked it. Im sorry if i've already said that but it has been ages since i've been on.

Name: A Vampires Butterfly (Signed) · Date: 27/03/07 - 07:43 pm · For: Chapter 10: Birth
Sigh...I am so sorry it ended. What a wonderful, memorable story. I am sure that this will be one of the greatest stories on TONFA. I liked the first one better, just because it was longer, but this one was of course great. My favorite part would have to be when Sakura found out. At the beginning of the first story. Just love it. I pretty much thought if would end like this. Oh and I love that Gaara and Neji fought. Funny as hell. I just loved this story you better believe that I am on to their kids story! * wipes tears* So sorry to see it end. So happy to see it all worked out. I wish I had something wise to say. Oh well. Never stop writing. You are just too good to lose. With much love, A Vampires Butterfly ^.^

Name: tamsonight (Anonymous) · Date: 26/03/07 - 08:02 pm · For: Chapter 10: Birth
hehehehehehe lol i love it

Name: KaiPhoenix (Signed) · Date: 24/03/07 - 12:21 pm · For: Chapter 10: Birth
excellent way to end it...Sakura finally redeems herself from her earlier screw up in the story...and Lee is happy...but really...dentists? lol

Name: Jm_Rules_Rocks (Anonymous) · Date: 21/03/07 - 07:27 pm · For: Chapter 10: Birth
Maade me cry. Stupid Sakura, LOL! She should have the baby and the baby has like the same hair as Sasuke. Lee would "OMG WTF?"

Name: Shinimegamisan (Signed) · Date: 18/03/07 - 07:33 am · For: Chapter 10: Birth
YEAH!!!! A happy ending!!!! This was a great story!!!!!

Author's Response: :) thankyu! and you have been such a loyal reviewer! thanks! I just hope you read my other works now!

Name: lunaryu (Signed) · Date: 17/03/07 - 10:25 pm · For: Chapter 10: Birth
Ahahahaha! This is good ending! Very good! Excellent job!! My Fav. chapter is chapter 9! The fighting scene is awesome!! And please do continue Wkarimasen! I want to read it!!

Author's Response: awwwwwww THANKYOU! its so good to hear that you think so! anmd yes chapter 9....and the fight scene *cries* I soooooo have t re-write it! but I think it was a good beginning to my future of writing fights! (yes I do plan on incoparating more fights in my stories) and yes I will continue Wakarimasen!

Name: lunaryu (Signed) · Date: 17/03/07 - 10:12 pm · For: Chapter 9: Death
Damn for the cliffy! But it's good! I really love fighting scene! No, it doesn't suck at all! Good job! Well, I'll help myself to read the next!

Author's Response: Awwwww! everyone said the fighting scene was good, but I feel like I could have fragged it on a bit longer and made it more detailed, but like at the time I DONT KNOWWWW how to write fight scenes, so yeh I rushed it. But I recon the ideas were really good.

Name: lunaryu (Signed) · Date: 17/03/07 - 09:58 pm · For: Chapter 8: The Wedding Day
Wow, good choice. Even if you indeed made them marry. It's not like Sasuke can't cheat on her anyway. Whatever, I read the next

Author's Response: lol, nice veiw cheating! lol! we all know Sasuke is capable of it

Name: kinokuniya (Signed) · Date: 17/03/07 - 06:01 pm · For: Chapter 10: Birth
awwww... o love(s) it allie-chyyaaan!ahhahahahahha... yeah *sweat drop* .... it was one of the best mpreg i've evere read i think O___O! most of the ones i read end up having naruto die T-T... hhahahah well anyways, your a abosulelt great writer! the second part rocked!!! hahaha and i can't seem to get over the expression naruto made when jiraya said he was the uke. x'D hahaha

but GREAT JOB >:D!

Author's Response: :) one of the best KYAAAA! the others Naruto dies :S by god I would cry!!! awwwww I'm blushing thanks for the compliments! and you know what I had a GREAT time writing Jiraiya I just think he is such a fun character!

Name: NaRu KiTsUnE (Signed) · Date: 17/03/07 - 05:41 pm · For: Chapter 10: Birth
LOLZ THE BABY LIKE'S GAARA!Also great story and u finally finished it.YOU MADE IT HAPPy I always loved this story.Hey why don't u make another talking about Naruto and Sasukes life with their new child????

Author's Response: Well Wakarimasen is like that! but Hikaru is like 18, so like its a lot of years later, I would write a fiction cept I think it would be far to mushy and not enough action, In wakarimasen ill have memories and stuff though. SO HAPPY YOU LIKES MY STORY XD

Name: Mimiteufel (Signed) · Date: 17/03/07 - 01:40 pm · For: Chapter 10: Birth
One thing thats bugging me alot is Saukura's baby Sasuke's?????, IT BETTER NOT BE only Naruto can have his babies, she better have cheated on him with Lee, anyways to be truthful i kinda like the frist part of Ai Shite Imas better, don't get me wrong this part was also awsome its just that i thought part one was better written, as for the news of there being another part to this well, lets just say.............I'M HAPPY :) and i can't wait - see u there :)

Author's Response: well yes Sakura's baby is infact Sasuke's, thats going to be one of the plot lines in Wakarimasen (which you must read) but dont worry Sakura and Lee got together in the end and all. and yes part one was better then part two, but I find them both great in diffrent ways, part one was longer and I pretty much just joked thrugh the whole thing, I was having fun and didnt mind if I finished it or not, and THEN I ggot to part two and I knew I had to get more seriouse and tie everything up neatly. AND yes now I must write new stuff!

Name: Nao_angel (Signed) · Date: 17/03/07 - 11:48 am · For: Chapter 10: Birth
kaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...nooooo...the end T___T
ok ok i'll cheer up since there's Wakarimasen XD
yeah i'm glad you're gonna make a sequel with the kids thats really cool^^
ok you want some kind of briefing,, your fic is one of the best SasuNaru fics I have read^^
now, to tell the truth, i still find Part 1 slightly better^^ not that part two is no good (NOT AT ALL), but Part 1 was just a-ma-zing, it had so many scenes which I still remember coz i really loved them XD...
I loved how it all began with Sakura seeing them together...and my favourite part of Part 1 would be when Sasu tells Naru that he wants to revive his clan. Kinda sad but I thought it was well written;)
And I also liked the mission they had in the very beginning when Sasu bites Sakura's tongue lol...and of course (without doubt i still remember the nosebleed) Sasu's bday and the little scene in the Hokage's office was just amazing^^
So, see, i do remember awesome stuff from the first part which i have read quite a while ago, along with so many fics^^
Now your ending is really cute^^ i'm so glad Itachi is DEAD, DIE ITACHI DIE YOU BASTARD!!! lol, no no Allie-chan, i think i'm an exception, i really don't like this guy:p hehe^^
LOL, and poor Neji, his baby likes Gaara so much, it cracked me up:p
so hope to read some new stuff soon, ne?
Keep rock on^^

Author's Response: haha, yep the end! its so good to finally get there! but now I have wakrimasen! ok I'll take a weeks break and come back and write! NAW and your anouther person who says this is one f the best sasunaru fics you have read! that makes me so happy! Ok now about part one, yes it was better I'll admit it, it was funnier and the emotions were all over the place! I guess the second half is diffrent because its shorter for one and its basically more serious, I couldnt joke arund like I did the whole way through the first half, I had to tie everything up neatly, so thats what I worked towards. When I started part one it was just all I'll have fun and perhapes I'll finish it lol. and all the scenes you said were the funnest to write! ahhh memories, infact I should probably sit down and read it myself! and yep I have a few new fics in mind to write! so we will see what new stuff comes!

Name: Oni_Chan (Signed) · Date: 17/03/07 - 11:34 am · For: Chapter 10: Birth
Awww happy ending ^_^ I loved it! Ita died *sniffles* even if he was a teme..Sasuke and Naruto's reunion was perfect! Hikaru the lil teme in-training Cant wait for the next chapter of Wakarimasen!
Aww no more sleepin nakie for Gaara? And just who is that bitch? Who must I murder? ....Kakashi..was uke? Oh dear god the horror! xD Is Neji and Tem's kid going to be a part of the Kazakage's sandcastle army?

Author's Response: yep see I told you there would be a happy ending! and yeah I felt so happy when I wrote Naruto and Sasuke meeting up again, instead of making them play the blame-game on each other I made them pretty much forget all that stuff and be happy to be together! and Oni dont you remember you were the woman in the sand country??? tsk tsk tsk there you go just forget about your own kid! and no Neji's kid isnt, but all I can his going to be very fond of his uncle!

Name: Oni_Chan (Signed) · Date: 17/03/07 - 11:21 am · For: Chapter 9: Death
No! Dei! Sasori! Kis-wait no one cares about fish face
Shizune! Neji! (well hes not dead but close) Damn it! Ita got Tsunade! Alex T_T

Author's Response: hahaha, yeh everyone died well all the bad guys and then Shizune :( I didnt wanna kill her but we had to make sacrafices!

Name: Kawaii Kitsune Luvr (Signed) · Date: 17/03/07 - 11:11 am · For: Chapter 10: Birth
I Loved This Story, It Was One Of The Best I Ever Read.

Author's Response: I'm so flattered! Never thought it would become one of the stories that people think of as one of the best they have read! Man that makes me feel really good as a writer! THANKYOU

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