The Original Naruto Fanfic Archive

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Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around different sex couples.
Alternate Universe & Crossovers [645]
Where cast of the Naruto Universe are inserted into an alternate universe.
Essays & Tutorials [17]
An area to submit intelligent essays debating topics about the Naruto Universe and writing tutorial submissions.
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Any Naruto fanfiction focused without romantic orientation, on a canon character in the current Naruto Universe.
OC-centric [862]
Any Naruto fanfic that has the major inclusion of a fan-made character.
Non-Naruto Fiction [290]
Shonen-ai/Yaoi Romance [1575]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around male same sex couples.
MadFic [194]
Any fic with no real plot and humor based. Doesn't require correct spelling, paragraphing or punctuation but it's a very good idea.
Shojo-ai/Yuri Romance [106]
Any Naruto fanfiction with the main plot orientating around female same sex couples.
Fan Ninja Bingo Book [124]
An area to store fanfic information, such as bios, maps, political histories. No stories.

Site Info

Members: 11989
Series: 261
Stories: 5877
Chapters: 25362
Word count: 47451233
Authors: 2161
Reviews: 40828
Reviewers: 1750
Newest Member: Trillian97
Challenges: 255
Challengers: 193

Name: theez (Signed) · Date: 11/07/11 - 04:57 am · For: The Mission
My story inspired you? I'm flattered. Here, I'll add a character. Don't worry, he'll only have the same deck.

Name: Ezra Haruno

Age: 13

Gender: Male

World: Can I put both? If not, Yugioh.

Family: Sakura is his long lost sister, as he was sent away at the age of 2.

History: When he was born, he was sent away on a top secret mission to destroy some group, since he had hidden power's. But something went wrong, and he was sent away. Living on the rooftops of Jaden's hometown, he eventually met Jaden, and they became Instant Friends. Ezra is now one of the best Duelist's on the street, and is trying out for Duel Academy. He found out that he could see Duel Spirit's when he was 5.

Personality: Kind and Gentle, but when angry can't control himself. When is saddened, can't do anything right, even Duel. Also, is overprotective of Sakura, when she and Kiba get together [is that how it goes?] He doesn't know that she is his sister, he just feels some kind of connection between them.

Appearance: Sky Blue hair, with a Slifer Jacket. Pant's similar to Jaden's.

Romance: Ahhh........Ummmmm.........I don't know, since Fabia of Bakugan isn't in this................Doesn't need to have one, but he can.

Rank (Slifer, Ra, Obelisk): Slifer, since it's my favorite dorm.

Deck: Fanmade, use the deck Ezra used in Naruto GX, can change it around if you want.

Chakra Card*: Wind Master, picked it up after losing for the first time to Jaden, then used it to win the next time. It's effect makes Ezra toss his deck, and he win's, but only if there are 60 cards in his graveyard.

Common/Most powerful Card(s): Wind Spellcaster, Wind Apprentice, Tornado Dragon, Cloudman, and Cloud Knight.

Reason for Going#:

Fighting Style: Doesn't use weapon's, he sharpen's his cards with his chakra. Can hit very fast.

Chakra Nature: Wind.

Kekkei Genkai#:

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 10/07/11 - 06:48 pm · For: Join Here!
Ugh, I totally forgot to add how she got the chakra card. *facepalm* Sorry!

She found it drifting on the edge of the lake in the park. She picked it up, dried it off a bit, and decided to keep it.

And the romance with CrimsonFighter3's OC is cool :D

Hope this helps!

Name: CrimsonFighter3 (Signed) · Date: 05/07/11 - 05:24 pm · For: The Mission
oh yeah he got his chakra card after he beat up this bully who was stealing cards from childern

Name: CrimsonFighter3 (Signed) · Date: 05/07/11 - 05:23 pm · For: The Mission
Random question what's a mary-sue?

Name: Keibi Yasuragi

Age: 15

Gender: Male

World: *

Family: He has his older sister and mother

History: His father disappeared when he was very young, so his mother and sister were big parts of his life. He devolped a love for yu-gi-oh and martial arts. He won his first cards in a martial arts tournment, then he started to collect the cards for his deck. As he collected each card, he started to hear and see the spirit of his favorite and most common card, which constanly scolds and teases him.

Personality: Loves to duel, never backs down from a challenge, he can be a little gulliable at times.

Appearance:(not mine)

Romance:Hoshi Miyazaki (if thats cool with silverwolf1213)

Rank (Slifer, Ra, Obelisk):Slifer

Deck: Halfbreed Gaurdians

Chakra Card*: Halfbreed Warrior When summoned destroy one card on the field or special summon one halfbreed card

Common: Crimson Vangaurd(a human with a crimson claw and bandages coming off of his body) Special effect, when this card is the only card on your field it can attack every monster your oppenet controls(4 star 1700 atk)

Most powerful Card(s): Shade Destroyer(man with a single black wing, and two black claws,and shadow black skin execpt for his face which is tan)
Pure Defender( women with a single snow white wing,two snow white claws, snow white skin except for her face chich is tan)

Fighting Style: When dueling he uses alot of support cards to protect his monsters to the best of his ability, When hes fighting he is usually calm and doesn't rush in, even when hes made he doesn't make rash mistakes in fighting. Unless he is abosultly furious in which case he just rushes at you with everything he has, not caring if he gets hurt.

Chakra Nature: wind

If you want me to change anythign just let me know

Name: theez (Signed) · Date: 05/07/11 - 05:07 am · For: The Mission
Wait, will Jaden be in this? Hope he will, if not, I can change it.

Name: shadow4000 (Signed) · Date: 05/07/11 - 01:09 am · For: Join Here!
name: kazuki

age: 17

gender: male

world: naruto

family: his parents
father: kohaku
mother: shainaah

history: he is from the mist village, he was trained by his father in wind techniques who was famous for mastery in wind releaise...
kaz had once helped kakashi wen he was on one of his missions in the mist village..... he was very helpful to kakashi... eventualy both ended up as good friends
kaz was bored of his life in the mist n left out for a adventure........
he didn't knw wer 2 go.....
so decided 2 visit kakashi in da leaf...

personality: fun-loving, friendly, active, brave

appearance: blonde wavy, green eyes, black top, green cargo pants, yellow locket, ninja shoes

romance: hitomi?

rank: any

deck: wind n fire

common card: tornado wizard
most powerful card: blaze master

reason: wen he was at kakashi's place... kakashi returned from the meeting
n tld kaz bout all that happened... since kaz wanted adventure... kakashi tld him to come along... since he knew kazuki was a man of talent...

style: very very quick n agile movements due to wind chakra........

chakra nature: wind release

kekkei genkai: amazing speed... sometimes almost instantaneous.....

hope i made a proper character... ^_^

Name: silverwolf1213 (Signed) · Date: 04/07/11 - 01:11 pm · For: Join Here!
I... love... joint stories. Yay! And I also Yu-Gi-Oh! Double Yay!

Name: Hoshi Miyazaki

Age: 15

Gender: Female

World: Yu-Gi-Oh

Family: She lives with her grandma, Takara, after her parents (Haru and Yuki) divorced.

History: Her parents divorced when she was five, and she rarely ever sees them because they pretty much left her behind. Her grandma is a retired card collector, making Hoshi learn to love the game.

Personality: She's very friendly and very independent. Not having her parents around helped her to be more independent a little more mature than others her age. But the pain of never seeing her parents is evident to those she is close with, even though she tries to hide it.

Appearance: (not my picture)

Romance: Not very picky.

Rank (Slifer, Ra, Obelisk): Ra

Deck: Wolf deck (fanmade)

Chakra Card*: Midnight Fang. A large black wolf with silver eyes. Special ability: (1) When summoned, it immediately shrouds the battlefield with night, making it difficult for the opponent to attack.

Common/Most powerful Card(s): Silver of the Blizzard (a female silver wolf) and Demon of the Mountain (a red deadly wolf) are her most common cards. Alpha Fang (a white wolf) is her most powerful card as of now.

Fighting Style: She strikes quickly and then jumps away to avoid attacks. She would rather have help in fighting, but if she is alone, she tries to end a fight quickly with rapid strikes.

Chakra Nature: Wind

I hope this is good. Tell me if something needs changing! I can't wait for the story :D

Oh, and I don't know which of your other stories I'd rather read first. They're all so darn good. Whichever you update is good, in my opinio ;D

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