Deidara:What the...Where the hell am I! yeah!
Dr. Phill:Cussing is bad
Deidara:do you want to be blown up? un
Dr. Phill:Today we have a young woman who has a few problems.
Deidara: I AM A GUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dr. Phill: some of those problems have to do with gender...
Deidara: I will show you problems...*tries to attack dr. Phill*
Dr. Phill: viloence is not the answer, love is.
Deidara:what kinda love is putting me in a straight jacket un?
Dr. Phill: now, Deidara is it? what we are about to show you is your life at home...
tv: Deidara this is your life!
Deidara:I AM TO A GUY! YEAH!*explosion*
Deidara:Hidan how many times to I have to tell you, my clay is for killing not molding!
Itachi: Kisame dont bother him, he's is PMSIng...
Deidara:who the hell made this? un
Tobi:*appears on screne* Sempai!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Deidara: I should have known!
Dr. Phill: Now Deidara this boy really cares about you, come on lets bring him out!
Tobi: Deidara-sempai!*hugs Deidara*
Deidara dont touch me or you will never see the light of day again! Un!
Dr. Phill:go on hug him Deidara
Audiancce:HUG HIM HUG HIM HUG HIM!!!!!!!!
Deidara:Yeah right!
Tobi:But I love you in sickness and in health, rich or for poor...
Deidara:WE ARENT GETTING MARRIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YEAH!
Tobi; but...but....*cries*
Deidara:If I hug you will you shut up?! Un
Tobi:*hugs him*
Saori:*runs out* WHAT ABOUT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*cries*
Deidara:please someone shoot me!*Sasori joins the hug*
[Reviews - 6]Chapter or Story
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Chapter notes: I dont own Naruto, and Like i promised after finishing Akatsuki BOwling, here it is BUMBUMBUM! DR. PILL! I could have come up with a better name, but I was in a hurry...
Chapter end notes: R&R