The Original Naruto Fanfic Archive

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The Calling by LeMoNs Chan

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Chapter notes: Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Copy and paste, who, moi? :p
LeMoNs-Chan: Wow, it’s been a long time, minna. o.o’
Naru-chyan: Yup yup :D Yey, I’m starring~
LeMoNs-Chan: Yey, you’re once again gey! :D
Naru-chyan: What?!
LeMoNs-Chan: Er, nothing… Carry on ^^’


I looked him straight in the eyes and knew that it was either him or me. One wrong move, and the vampire would use that second he needed to rip my throat out. Just one bad move, and ultimately, my life could end in a flash of red and black coloring. Gone like the fickle flicker of a flame at its end. Gone.

-Morning Calls and Skating Walruses!-

I woke up with a cold sweat running along the side of my face. It was dark, save the red beam coming from my alarm clock. It was approximately three A.M., an ominous number also called for an ominous awakening, I supposed. I couldn’t go back to sleep, gooseflesh ran all along my body, tiny bumps that somewhat hurt to the touch as if I’d been plucked myself. Heaving a sigh, I pulled off my covers and swung my legs over my mattress until they touched the floor. Slipping on some walrus slippers—nothing wrong with walruses!—I headed toward the bathroom for a shower.

I tried to recall my dream as I worked shampoo into my hair. I could not remember, nor go back to sleep after having it. Yay for me, another sleep deprived night, or morning? Luckily, I did not have to work much until the late hours.

I am Uzumaki Naruto, number one supernatural bounty hunter in the country, and I still would have been number two if a certain someone on the top spot hadn’t switched sides. Not by choice, but that certain person definitely became one of the monsters, and eventually embraced it.

The thought of him also brought goose bumps to my tan skin, but this kind was different; they hadn’t formed so hard that they’d hurt, they were the sort that you get when a chill runs down your spine or when you think of something pleasurable. I didn’t know which it was really, but I knew that the ‘pleasurable’ analysis could be ruled out!

Washing out the shampoo and latter conditioner, I pulled on some more lazy clothing—a tank top and a pair of boxers—and plopped back onto my bed. I was just about to grab the T.V. remote when my phone rang instead. I ritually waited until after the first two rings to pick up, I mean, what if they just hang up after the first? The phone was silent until I said, “Hello?”

“Uzumaki?” questioned a somewhat laid back voice on the other end.

“Er, yeh, it’s me.” I replied, somewhat impatiently, but always calm. Couldn’t go ballistic because people didn’t get to the point right away, could you?

“It’s Shikamaru, we need you to stake someone today, right now.”

I turned my head to look over at my alarm clock, it was currently four fifteen and still dark out to be staking something. “Do you have an address or lead? You know how I hate wild goose chases.” My fingers were idly twirling the phone cable, unable to stay still. Nervous twitches? Never!

“Yes, the vamp’s name is Gilmore Jerry and he is currently hiding out around the red light district on Foundland.” Shikamaru said as if he were reading straight from the page. Knowing him, the lazy bastard probably was.

“Of all the places,” I whined and looked down, shifting my feet on the floor, skating walruses! “All right, I’ll get him, no problemo.” I waited a bit, said, “Anything else?” and waited some more.

“Nope, that’s it. Good luck.” And with that he hung up.

“Yeh, bye Shikamaru! Nice talking to you too!” I oozed into the buzzing phone line. Goody, wasted sarcasm, what a drag.

A/N: Hiya. Wow, a somewhat serious Naruto. Kinda scares me too, I know. Yeh, I’ve been reading a lot lately… maybe you’ll notice a bit of Stephenie Meyer and Laurell K. Hamilton influence. –shiny eyes- Anywho, hope you enjoyed the teaser o.o; More to come.. Give me a thumbs up or thumbs down… pl0x?
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